一作是微软研究院的Yihe Dong,生于中国,在中美德国长大,普林斯顿大学本科,威斯康星大学的研究生。另一位作者是哥伦比亚大学数学助理教授Will Sawin,耶鲁大学本科,普林斯顿大学博士。


Hypergraphs provide a natural representation for many real world datasets. We propose a novel framework, HNHN, for hypergraph representation learning. HNHN is a hypergraph convolution network with nonlinear activation functions applied to both hypernodes and hyperedges, combined with a normalization scheme that can flexibly adjust the importance of high-cardinality hyperedges and high-degree vertices depending on the dataset. We demonstrate improved performance of HNHN in both classification accuracy and speed on real world datasets when compared to state of the art methods. 中文翻译(based on Google Translate results) 超图为许多现实世界的数据集提供了自然的表示形式。 我们提出了一种用于超图表示学习的新框架HNHN。 HNHN是一种超图卷积网络,具有应用于超节点和超边的非线性激活函数,并结合归一化方案,可以根据数据集灵活地调整高基数超边和高阶顶点的重要性。 与最新方法相比,我们在现实数据集上证明了HNHN在分类准确性和速度上有更好的性能。
