今天我们推出了 Outpainting,这是一项新功能,它可以帮助用户扩展他们的创造力,方法是将图像延续到其原始边界之外——添加相同风格的视觉元素,或者将故事带入新的方向——只需使用自然语言描述。

DALL·E 的编辑功能已经可以在生成或上传的图像中进行更改 - 一种称为修复的功能。现在,通过 Outpainting,用户可以扩展原始图像,以任何纵横比创建大型图像。外绘考虑了图像现有的视觉元素——包括阴影、反射和纹理——以保持原始图像的上下文。

如今,超过 100 万人正在使用 DALL·E,这是一种从自然语言描述生成原始图像和艺术品的人工智能系统,作为一种创意工具。艺术家们已经使用新的 Outpainting 功能创建了出色的图像,并帮助我们更好地了解其在此过程中的功能。

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

Extend creativity and tell a bigger story with DALL-E images of any size

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting
Original outpainting by Emma Catnip

Today we’re introducing Outpainting, a new feature which helps users extend their creativity by continuing an image beyond its original borders — adding visual elements in the same style, or taking a story in new directions — simply by using a natural language description.

DALL·E’s Edit feature already enables changes within a generated or uploaded image — a capability known as Inpainting. Now, with Outpainting, users can extend the original image, creating large-scale images in any aspect ratio. Outpainting takes into account the image’s existing visual elements — including shadows, reflections, and textures — to maintain the context of the original image.

More than one million people are using DALL·E, the AI system that generates original images and artwork from a natural language description, as a creative tool today. Artists have already created remarkable images with the new Outpainting feature, and helped us better understand its capabilities in the process.