
LG - 机器学习   CV - 计算机视觉   CL - 计算与语言   AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人



1、[CL] The CRINGE Loss: Learning what language not to model

L Adolphs, T Gao, J Xu, K Shuster, S Sukhbaatar, J Weston
[Meta AI]
用CRINGE损失学习语言不该怎样。标准的语言模型训练采用正确标准的人工文档或人际交互数据,并将所有的训练数据作为正样本。越来越多的证据表明,即使有非常多的正面训练数据,仍然存在一些问题,而这些问题可以通过相对较少的负面数据——告诉模型不该怎样的样本——来缓解。本文提出了一种新的程序来训练这些数据,称为CRINGE损失(ContRastive Iterative Negative GEneration对比迭代负生成)。在三个不同的实验中展示了这种方法在安全生成、避免矛盾和开放域对话等任务中的有效性。所提出模型优于多个强大的基线,概念简单,易于训练和实现。

Standard language model training employs gold human documents or human-human interaction data, and treats all training data as positive examples. Growing evidence shows that even with very large amounts of positive training data, issues remain that can be alleviated with relatively small amounts of negative data -- examples of what the model should not do. In this work, we propose a novel procedure to train with such data called the CRINGE loss (ContRastive Iterative Negative GEneration). We show the effectiveness of this approach across three different experiments on the tasks of safe generation, contradiction avoidance, and open-domain dialogue. Our models outperform multiple strong baselines and are conceptually simple, easy to train and implement.


2、[CV] OneFormer: One Transformer to Rule Universal Image Segmentation

J Jain, J Li, M Chiu, A Hassani, N Orlov, H Shi
[SHI Labs & Picsart AI Research (PAIR)]
OneFormer: 用单个Transformer统一通用图像分割。通用图像分割并不是一个新概念。过去几十年来,统一图像分割的尝试包括场景解析、全景分割,以及最近的新全景架构。然而,这样的全景架构并没有真正地统一图像分割,因为它们需要在语义分割、实例分割或全景分割上进行单独训练以达到最佳性能。理想情况下,一个真正的通用框架应该只需要训练一次,并在所有三个图像分割任务中实现SOTA性能。本文提出OneFormer,一种通用的图像分割框架,将分割与多任务一次训练设计统一起来。本文首先提出一种任务条件的联合训练策略,使每个域(语义分割、实例分割和全景分割)的基本事实在一个单一的多任务训练过程中得到训练。其次,引入了一种任务token,将该模型限定在手头任务上,使模型具有任务动态性,以支持多任务训练和推理。第三,本文建议在训练过程中用查询-文本对比损失来建立更好的任务间和类间区分。所提出的单个OneFormer模型在ADE20k、CityScapes和COCO的所有三个分割任务中都优于专门的Mask2Former模型,尽管后者是用三倍的资源在三种任务中分别训练的。通过新的ConvNeXt和DiNAT骨干网,可观察到更多的性能改进。

Universal Image Segmentation is not a new concept. Past attempts to unify image segmentation in the last decades include scene parsing, panoptic segmentation, and, more recently, new panoptic architectures. However, such panoptic architectures do not truly unify image segmentation because they need to be trained individually on the semantic, instance, or panoptic segmentation to achieve the best performance. Ideally, a truly universal framework should be trained only once and achieve SOTA performance across all three image segmentation tasks. To that end, we propose OneFormer, a universal image segmentation framework that unifies segmentation with a multi-task train-once design. We first propose a task-conditioned joint training strategy that enables training on ground truths of each domain (semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation) within a single multi-task training process. Secondly, we introduce a task token to condition our model on the task at hand, making our model task-dynamic to support multi-task training and inference. Thirdly, we propose using a query-text contrastive loss during training to establish better inter-task and inter-class distinctions. Notably, our single OneFormer model outperforms specialized Mask2Former models across all three segmentation tasks on ADE20k, CityScapes, and COCO, despite the latter being trained on each of the three tasks individually with three times the resources. With new ConvNeXt and DiNAT backbones, we observe even more performance improvement. We believe OneFormer is a significant step towards making image segmentation more universal and accessible. To support further research, we open-source our code and models at this https URL



3、[LG] Regression as Classification: Influence of Task Formulation on Neural Network Features

L  Stewart, F Bach, Q Berthet, J Vert
[PSL Research University & Google Research]

Neural networks can be trained to solve regression problems by using gradient-based methods to minimize the square loss. However, practitioners often prefer to reformulate regression as a classification problem, observing that training on the cross entropy loss results in better performance. By focusing on two-layer ReLU networks, which can be fully characterized by measures over their feature space, we explore how the implicit bias induced by gradient-based optimization could partly explain the above phenomenon. We provide theoretical evidence that the regression formulation yields a measure whose support can differ greatly from that for classification, in the case of one-dimensional data. Our proposed optimal supports correspond directly to the features learned by the input layer of the network. The different nature of these supports sheds light on possible optimization difficulties the square loss could encounter during training, and we present empirical results illustrating this phenomenon.



4、[LG] Controlling Moments with Kernel Stein Discrepancies

H Kanagawa, A Gretton, L Mackey
[UCL & Microsoft Research]

Quantifying the deviation of a probability distribution is challenging when the target distribution is defined by a density with an intractable normalizing constant. The kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD) was proposed to address this problem and has been applied to various tasks including diagnosing approximate MCMC samplers and goodness-of-fit testing for unnormalized statistical models. This article investigates a convergence control property of the diffusion kernel Stein discrepancy (DKSD), an instance of the KSD proposed by Barp et al. (2019). We extend the result of Gorham and Mackey (2017), which showed that the KSD controls the bounded-Lipschitz metric, to functions of polynomial growth. Specifically, we prove that the DKSD controls the integral probability metric defined by a class of pseudo-Lipschitz functions, a polynomial generalization of Lipschitz functions. We also provide practical sufficient conditions on the reproducing kernel for the stated property to hold. In particular, we show that the DKSD detects non-convergence in moments with an appropriate kernel.



5、[RO] Active Task Randomization: Learning Visuomotor Skills for Sequential Manipulation by Proposing Feasible and Novel Tasks

K Fang, T Migimatsu, A Mandlekar...
[UC Berkeley & Stanford University & NVIDIA]

Solving real-world sequential manipulation tasks requires robots to have a repertoire of skills applicable to a wide range of circumstances. To acquire such skills using data-driven approaches, we need massive and diverse training data which is often labor-intensive and non-trivial to collect and curate. In this work, we introduce Active Task Randomization (ATR), an approach that learns visuomotor skills for sequential manipulation by automatically creating feasible and novel tasks in simulation. During training, our approach procedurally generates tasks using a graph-based task parameterization. To adaptively estimate the feasibility and novelty of sampled tasks, we develop a relational neural network that maps each task parameter into a compact embedding. We demonstrate that our approach can automatically create suitable tasks for efficiently training the skill policies to handle diverse scenarios with a variety of objects. We evaluate our method on simulated and real-world sequential manipulation tasks by composing the learned skills using a task planner. Compared to baseline methods, the skills learned using our approach consistently achieve better success rates.





[CL] The Architectural Bottleneck Principle

T Pimentel, J Valvoda, N Stoehr, R Cotterell
[University of Cambridge & ETH Zürich]


[CL] Evaluating and Improving Factuality in Multimodal Abstractive Summarization

D Wan, M Bansal
[University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill]


[RO] Learning Visual Locomotion with Cross-Modal Supervision

A Loquercio, A Kumar, J Malik
[UC Berkeley]


[LG] Continuous Soft Pseudo-Labeling in ASR

T Likhomanenko, R Collobert, N Jaitly, S Bengio
[Apple] https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.06007



