
[RO] Learning Robotic Navigation from Experience: Principles, Methods, and Recent Results

S Levine, D Shah
[UC Berkeley]

从经验学习机器人导航: 原理、方法与最新结果


  1. 机器学习提供了一种有前途的方法,可以超越传统的几何和规划,可根据历史经验探索机器人导航;
  2. 本文为导航技能的实践学习提供了一个工具包,统一了近来的方法;
  3. 算法可以组合起来解决暂时性的扩展导航问题。


Navigation is one of the most heavily studied problems in robotics, and is conventionally approached as a geometric mapping and planning problem. However, real-world navigation presents a complex set of physical challenges that defies simple geometric abstractions. Machine learning offers a promising way to go beyond geometry and conventional planning, allowing for navigational systems that make decisions based on actual prior experience. Such systems can reason about traversability in ways that go beyond geometry, accounting for the physical outcomes of their actions and exploiting patterns in real-world environments. They can also improve as more data is collected, potentially providing a powerful network effect. In this article, we present a general toolkit for experiential learning of robotic navigation skills that unifies several recent approaches, describe the underlying design principles, summarize experimental results from several of our recent papers, and discuss open problems and directions for future work.
