JC STEM Lab of Neuronal Circuit Dynamics

Thomas Knopfel

Lab Director

STEM Professor – Chair Professor

Several postdoctoral positions in theoretical/computational and experimental neuroscience

Understanding how adaptive and maladaptive behavior emerges from the operation of neuronal circuits is a central topic across different sub-disciplines within neuroscience. Our laboratory’s research program capitalizes on the establishment of cutting-edge optical technologies based on engineered molecular reporters that convert electrical signals of neurons into optical signals (ref#1). Electrical signals captured from the brain of mice while they engage in different behaviors such as perception, learning and execution of tasks, as well as social interactions are analyzed using advanced computational methods to address and derive theoretical models and predictions (ref#2). For this line of research we are seeking several postdoctoral researchers to work synergistically both within the team and with our collaborating teams. The work will entail using novel neurotechnology and approaches to conduct multi-level investigations to address big questions in neuroscience. Successful candidates will be a part of a highly interdisciplinary collaborative teamworking environment that values effective communication, integrity and equality.

One theoretical/computational neuroscientist: we seek a theoretical/computational neuroscientist with a strong mathematical and computational background. Candidates with an interest in understanding the overlap and differences between natural and artificial intelligence are particularly encouraged to apply.

One mouse in vivo experimentalist: for in vivo experimental work, we wish to recruit a skilled experimenter with strong biological background and an analytical approach to technical challenges. Previous experience with mouse in vivo experiments is necessary. Previous experience with neuronal activity optical imaging, particularly head-fixed imaging, is desirable.

One molecular experimentalist: at the molecular level, we work on the premise that the physical substrate of mind sets (diversity of personalities) involves epigenetic modification in neuronal circuits (ref#3). To test this emerging research field and to interface work in line with the above theoretical and experimental neuroscience topics, we are seeking an individual with experience (or strong interest) in nanopore based DNA methylation analysis and previous bioinformatics training.

Requirements for all positions:
  • PhD in a STEM subject. Candidates with degrees in neuroscience, data science, bioinformatics, and computational biology are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Knowledge of scientific background relevant to the research area.
  • Original research published or under revision in a reputable journal.
  • Good English communication skills and strong critical thinking ability.
  • Able to prioritize and work collaboratively in a diverse workforce.

(Ref#1) Optical voltage imaging in neurons: moving from technology development to practical tool. doi: 10.1038/s41583-019-0231-4.

(Ref#2) Cortex-wide spontaneous activity non-linearly steers propagating sensory-evoked activity in awake mice. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111740.

(Ref#3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_epigenetics

Please address informal inquiries to Prof Thomas Knopfel <tknopfel@knopfel-lab.net>



For more information, please refer to Professor Thomas Knopfel's academic homepage on Swarma Pattern:





