会议全称:European Conference on Information Retrieval 会议网址:https://www.ecir2024.org/ 会议地点:Glasgow, Scotland CCF分类:C 类 Core分类:A类 H5指数:27 影响力值:3.3 录取率:ECIR’23 21.7% (65+41)/489 |
IMPORTANT DATES: Full Paper Abstract 20 September 2023 Full Paper Submission 27 September 2023 Short and Reproducibility Paper Abstract 4 October 2023 11 October 2023 Short, Demo and Reproducibility Paper Submission; Workshop proposals notifications |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST: The 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) is the annual premier European forum for the presentation of new research results in the broadly conceived area of Information Retrieval. ECIR provides an opportunity for both young and established researchers to present research papers reporting new, unpublished, and innovative research results. ECIR has traditionally had a strong student focus and papers whose sole or main author is a postgraduate student or postdoctoral researcher are especially welcome. ECIR 2024 is planned to be held as a physical conference (with support for remote attendance) from the 24th to the 28th of March 2024 in Glasgow, Scotland. |
会议全称:International Conference on Extending DB Technology 会议网址:http://www.edbt.org/ 会议地点:Paestum, Italy CCF分类:B 类 Core分类:A类 H5指数:28 影响力值:3.13 录取率:EDBT'20 19.9% (30/151) |
IMPORTANT DATES: Submission deadlines for 2024 are Feb 15, 2023; June 1, 2023; October 3, 2023. |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST: The EDBT Association is a non-political and non-profit organization for promoting and supporting research and progress in the fields of databases and information systems technology and applications. It was formed in 1990 to provide a stable structure to support the continuity of the EDBT Conference series; it changed its legal status in 1995, assuming the current legal form of an association according to Italian laws. Our major activity is the promotion of the International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), which has been held every two years since 1988. From 2008 on, the Conference is being held annually. The EDBT Association has close relationships with other organizations in the database field, including ACM SIGMOD, IEEE TC on Data Engineering, VLDB Endowment, and the ICDT Council. |
会议全称:International Conference on Database Theory 会议网址:https://dastlab.github.io/edbticdt2024/ 会议地点:Paestum, Italy CCF分类:B 类 Core分类:A类 H5指数:21 影响力值:2.2 录取率:ICDT'20 31.9% (22/69) |
IMPORTANT DATES: October 3, 2023 (AoE): Paper submission November 6-10, 2023 (AoE): Author feedback phase December 7, 2023 (AoE): Notification of accept/revise/reject January 8, 2024 (AoE): Revised paper submission January 31, 2024 (AoE): Notification of accept/reject for revised submissions |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST: A list of specific topics of interest is provided below, and is by no means exhaustive: Availability, reliability, and scalability Big data storage, processing and transformation Cloud data management Complex event processing and data streams Concurrency control, recovery and transaction management Crowdsourced and collaborative data management Data integration and heterogeneous data management Data management and analytics for semantic web and social networks Data mining and knowledge discovery Data models and semantics Data platforms for modern hardware, and modern hardware for data platforms Data quality, curation, and provenance Data sovereignty, privacy, security, and access control Data system benchmarking, tuning, monitoring, and performance evaluation Data visualization Data warehousing, large-scale analytics and ETL tools Distributed and parallel data management, distributed ledgers, and blockchains Graph data management Human-data interaction Knowledge graphs and knowledge management Metadata management and standards Middleware and workflow management ML/AI for DB, and DB for AI/ML Query processing and optimization Responsible data management Scientific and statistical data management Semi-structured data management Sensor and mobile data management Spatial, temporal, and geographic data management Text data management and information retrieval Uncertain, probabilistic, and approximate data management Usability, automaticity, interpretability, and explainability of data systems |
会议全称:ACM Conference on Management of Data 会议网址:https://sigmodconf.hosting.acm.org/2024/index.shtml 会议地点:Santiago, Chile CCF分类:A 类 Core分类:A* 类 H5指数:68 影响力值:10.06 录取率:SIGMOD’22 29.3% (151/514) 如需入投稿交流群,请添加助手微信并备注【SIGMOD+昵称+单位】 |
IMPORTANT DATES: October 15, 2023: Paper submission November 26-30, 2023: Author feedback phase December 20, 2023: Notification of accept/reject/review again January 20, 2024: Revised paper submission February 23, 2024: Final notification of accept/reject |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST: Regular Track We invite the submission of original research contributions relating to all aspects of data management. Data Management for Data Science (DMDS) Special Track We invite the submission of original data science research targeting the data life cycle of real applications, studying phenomena at scales, complexities, and granularities never before possible. This data life cycle encompasses databases/data management/data systems/data engineering often leveraging statistical, machine learning, and artificial intelligence methods and, in many instances, using massive and heterogeneous collections of potentially noisy datasets. Such papers are expected to focus on data-intensive components of data science pipelines; and solve problems in areas of interest to our community (e.g., data curation, optimization, performance, storage, systems). Submissions are expected to describe (a) deployed solutions to data science pipelines and/or (b) fundamental experiences and insights from evaluating real-world data science problems. We expect that the related systems and/or datasets (including possibly query logs) will be accessible for the data management research community in order to promote future research directions. Data-intensive Applications (DIA) Special Track We invite the submission of papers describing applications, systems, and datasets (e.g. content, creation, quality), along with the underlying practical data management problems and related research challenges. These applications may stem from outside the core data management community (e.g., computer graphics, computer networking) or even from outside computer science (e.g., astronomy, genomics, healthcare), but have clearly demonstrated non-trivial data-centric challenges necessitating novel systems and technologies. Submissions may describe fundamental experiences and insights gained from deployment or detailed evaluation of data-intensive systems in particular application domains. We expect that the related systems and/or datasets (including possibly query logs) will be accessible for the data management research community in order to promote future research directions. |
会议全称:ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principles of DB Systems 会议网址:https://sigmodconf.hosting.acm.org/2024/index.shtml 会议地点:Santiago, Chile CCF分类:B 类 Core分类:A*类 H5指数:26 影响力值:4.79 录取率:PODS'23 34% (29/85) |
IMPORTANT DATES: October 15, 2023: Paper submission November 26-30, 2023: Author feedback phase December 20, 2023: Notification of accept/reject/review again January 20, 2024: Revised paper submission February 23, 2024: Final notification of accept/reject |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST: There are three research tracks in SIGMOD 2024: Regular Track We invite the submission of original research contributions relating to all aspects of data management. Data Management for Data Science (DMDS) Special Track We invite the submission of original data science research targeting the data life cycle of real applications, studying phenomena at scales, complexities, and granularities never before possible. This data life cycle encompasses databases/data management/data systems/data engineering often leveraging statistical, machine learning, and artificial intelligence methods and, in many instances, using massive and heterogeneous collections of potentially noisy datasets. Such papers are expected to focus on data-intensive components of data science pipelines; and solve problems in areas of interest to our community (e.g., data curation, optimization, performance, storage, systems). Submissions are expected to describe (a) deployed solutions to data science pipelines and/or (b) fundamental experiences and insights from evaluating real-world data science problems. We expect that the related systems and/or datasets (including possibly query logs) will be accessible for the data management research community in order to promote future research directions. Data-intensive Applications (DIA) Special Track We invite the submission of papers describing applications, systems, and datasets (e.g. content, creation, quality), along with the underlying practical data management problems and related research challenges. These applications may stem from outside the core data management community (e.g., computer graphics, computer networking) or even from outside computer science (e.g., astronomy, genomics, healthcare), but have clearly demonstrated non-trivial data-centric challenges necessitating novel systems and technologies. Submissions may describe fundamental experiences and insights gained from deployment or detailed evaluation of data-intensive systems in particular application domains. We expect that the related systems and/or datasets (including possibly query logs) will be accessible for the data management research community in order to promote future research directions. |
会议全称:International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 会议网址:https://www.dasfaa2024.org/ 会议地点:Gifu, Japan CCF分类:B 类 Core分类:B类 H5指数:20 影响力值:2.8 录取率:DASFAA'23 29.3% ((125+66)/652) 如需入投稿交流群,请添加助手微信并备注【DASFAA+昵称+单位】 |
IMPORTANT DATES: Abstract submission: October 20, 2023 Paper submission: October 27, 2023 Acceptance notification: January 19, 2024 Camera ready: February 16, 2024 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST: Database core technology Query processing and optimization Index and storage systems Data model and query language Databases for emerging hardware Machine learning for database Data warehouse and OLAP Transaction management Domain-specific/advanced database systems Data processing in VR/AR/MR Graph data management Data management in social networks Embedded and mobile databases Temporal and spatial databases Data streams and time-series data Knowledge management Text databases Multimedia databases HCI for modern information systems Natural language query interface Probabilistic and uncertain data Sensor data management Statistical and scientific databases Cloud data management Cloud data management Big Data data management (e.g, MapReduce, Spark) Parallel and distributed database systems Data semantics and data integration Information integration Blockchain Data science and advanced applications Data science Data-driven AI technology Data mining and knowledge discovery Neural network Graph and social network analysis RDF and knowledge graphs Text and data mining Advanced applications Search and recommendation technology Security, privacy, and trust Data quality and credibility Bio and health informatics Data science for epidemics (e.g., COVID-19) Semantic Web and knowledge management Crowd-sourcing Data archive and digital library Web information systems Information extraction and summarization |
会议全称:Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 会议网址:https://pakdd2024.org/ 会议地点:Taipei, Taiwan, China CCF分类:C 类 Core分类:A类 H5指数:29 影响力值:3.4 录取率:PAKDD'23 17.6% (143/813) 如需入投稿交流群,请添加助手微信并备注【PAKDD+昵称+单位】 |
IMPORTANT DATES: Paper Submission Deadline:November 1, 2023 Paper Acceptance Notification:January 10, 2024 Camera Ready Papers Due:February 5, 2024 Conference Dates:May 7 ~ 10, 2024 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST: Data mining is the computational process of discovering valuable knowledge from data and has been widely recognized as the cornerstone of Data Science. It plays a key role in important applications in science, engineering, healthcare, business, and medicine. Typical datasets in these fields are usually massive, complex, and noisy. Extracting knowledge from these datasets requires sophisticated, high-performance, and principled analysis techniques and algorithms, with sound theoretical and statistical foundations. These techniques, in turn, require implementation on computational infrastructures optimized for high performance. Powerful visualization technologies and comprehensive user interfaces are also essential for data mining tools appealing to researchers, analysts, data scientists, and application developers from different disciplines. The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) is one of the premier and leading international conferences for data mining. The 28th edition of PAKDD will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, from May 7–10, 2024. PAKDD is a prestigious and highly selective conference that includes invited talks as well as refereed full research papers. It provides an international peer-reviewed forum for researchers and industry practitioners who are addressing the problems to share their new ideas, original research results, and practical development experiences from all KDD-related areas, including data mining, data warehousing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, databases, statistics, knowledge engineering, visualization, decision-making systems, and emerging applications. Everyone new to the field has many opportunities to learn about cutting-edge research by attending visionary keynote speeches, paper presentations, tutorials, and workshops. This year, the dominant topics include data cleaning and preparation, data transformation, mining, inference, learning, explainability, data privacy, dissemination of results, theoretical foundations for novel models and algorithms for data science problems in science, business, medicine, and engineering, along with an emphasis on practical yet principled novel models of search and data mining, algorithm design and analysis, economic implications, and in-depth experimental analysis of accuracy and performance. We also invite paper submissions at the intersection of data science and society as part of the research track. |
会议全称:International Conference on Data Engineering 会议网址:https://icde2024.github.io/ 会议地点:Utrecht, Netherlands CCF分类:A 类 Core分类:A* 类 H5指数:55 影响力值:8.25 录取率:ICDE23 30.6% (229/748) 如需入投稿交流群,请添加助手微信并备注【ICDE+昵称+单位】 |
IMPORTANT DATES: Submission due: November 24, 2023 (Friday) Notification for Authors (Accept/Revise/Reject): December 22, 2023 (Friday) Revision Due: January 19, 2024 (Friday) Notification to authors (Accept/Reject): February 16, 2024 (Friday) Camera-ready copy due: March 1, 2024 (Friday) |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST: We invite the submission of original research contributions in the following areas. AI for Database Systems Benchmarking, Performance Modeling, Tuning, and Testing Cloud Data Management Crowdsourcing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Models, Semantics, Query languages Data Stream Systems and Edge Computing Data Visualization and Interactive Data Exploration Database Security and Privacy Database technology for AI Database technology for Blockchains Distributed, Parallel and P2P Data Management Explainability, Fairness, and Trust in Data Systems and Analysis Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data Information Integration and Data Quality IoT Data Management Modern Hardware and In-Memory Database Systems Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases Text, Semi-Structured Data, IR, Image, and Multimedia databases Uncertain, Probabilistic, and Approximate Databases Very Large Data Science Applications/pipelines Workflows, Scientific Data Management |
