- 简介学生从公立学校转到私立学校是旁遮普政府面临的主要问题之一,原因是公立学校的学校表现不佳,无法以低廉的价格提供义务和优质教育。由于教育系统的复杂适应性特质,与社会的相互依存关系以及不断的反馈循环,传统的线性回归方法在评估有效绩效方面是无效或成本高昂的。线性回归技术呈现了系统的静态视图,这并不足以理解教育范式的复杂动态特性。我们提出了一种基于认知代理计算的模型,使用描述性代理建模方法来理解学生迁移的因果关系。我们使用描述性建模方法和探索性建模一起呈现了小学生迁移模型。我们的研究,从仿真和建模的软件工程背景出发,探索学校系统的复杂适应性特质,具有双重意义。首先,使用认知描述性代理建模来调查学生迁移的因果关系。其次,通过执行“总览、设计和详细信息”的探索性建模协议,分析了认知代理计算框架的形式化程度。
- 图表
- 解决问题The paper aims to address the issue of students' migration from public to private schools in Punjab due to the lack of quality education in public schools. The complex adaptive nature of the educational system and its interdependencies with society make it difficult to evaluate the performance of schools using conventional linear regression methods.
- 关键思路The paper proposes a Cognitive Agent Computing-Based Model for the School Student Migration Problem Using a Descriptive Agent-Based Modeling approach. This approach helps to understand the causes-effects relationship of student migration and provides a better understanding of the complex dynamic nature of the educational paradigm.
- 其它亮点The research uses a descriptive modeling approach along with exploratory modeling to investigate the cause-effect relationship of student migration. The paper also analyzes the formalization extent of the Cognitive Agent-Based Computing framework by comparing it with the exploratory modeling protocol 'Overview, Design, and Detail'. The experiment uses primary school students' migration model and explores the complex adaptive nature of the school system. The paper presents a new approach to address the issue of student migration in the context of Software Engineering of Simulation & Modeling.
- Some related studies in this field include 'A System Dynamics Model for Analyzing the Impact of Public Policies on Private School Participation', 'Factors Affecting Student Enrollment in Public and Private Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan', 'A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Schools in Punjab, Pakistan'.